Hello everyone !!

I was a traditional church pastor who rode with a bunch of unchurched cowboys. When I couldn’t get them to attend my fancy church, I offered to start a church in the bull-riding arena. My friends said, “OK, you start it, and we’ll come, and bring others!”

On Monday night, June 9, 2003, at the local bull-riding arena in North Carolina, 68 people showed up.  Five people prayed to receive Christ! Those five were later baptized in a horse water trough! Other cowboys asked me to help them start cowboy churches in their communities. Other preachers asked me to train them to start cowboy churches in their areas.

Since then I have planted/pastored 14 cowboy churches, trained hundreds of cowboy church pastors, and assisted in the planting of over 200 cowboy churches throughout the United States and Canada.

To God Be The Glory for What Great Things He Has Done!

I, along with a great team of  volunteers, started the STOCC Yards 8 years ago in an old barn on my own property.

“STOCC” is the acrostic of:
Strategically Training and Organizing Cowboy Churches”

“YARDS” refer to three “Yards” (or organizations) on one property.
The three “Yards” are:
1. Cowboy Church Network  Of North America
2. Central Station Cowboy Church
3. Cowboy Church Institute

By joining these three organizations in one location, we have been able to keep our overhead low, and our mission outreach high!

The time has come for us to expand our mission!!   We have purchased property on US Highway 601 in Midland, NC. This new location will provide the space needed to build a facility that will house all three organizations.

Funding for this STOCC Yards building fund will be entirely from donations designated for this project and is not supported by funds you give for the ongoing mission outreach  of the Cowboy Church Network. Please help me reach this goal with your prayers, and gifts of $10, $20, or more. I am sure that some of my friends can do much more, however, no amount is too small. This goal is attainable if all of our friends will pitch  in, and then share this with all of their friends.


You may donate online or by mail. Please make checks payable to :  STOCC Yards and mail to Mary Robbins – STOCC Yards Treasurer, 4154 Lake Ridge Court, Ramseur, NC. 27316.

Donations are 100% tax deductible, and will go into the STOCC Yards building fund.
Thank you for giving to this mission of eternal significance!

Jeff Smith – Executive Director, Cowboy Church Network of North America