
CCN Belt Buckles  

(Approximate size is 3 1/2 by 4 1/4)

  $70 each plus $5 each shipping/handling

Please make checks payable to the Cowboy Church Network and indicate buckle style you want to order blue lettering with white cross OR black lettering with black horse, rider and cross).
Mail to:
Cowboy Church Network
c/o Mary Robbins
4154 Lake Ridge Court
Ramseur, NC  27316
If you have any questions feel free to email Mary at:  or send a text to 336-963-1242
Due to high demand, please allow 6 weeks for delivery of belt buckles.



New Trail for Life 

Jeff Smith’s exciting book is a  great next step for new believers and a valuable resource for seasoned Christians ! It’s a bit cowboy flavored , but it’ll point you to a rich life with a great God of eternity !!


Purchase price $11.95 plus shipping.  Contact Jeff Smith at to order your copy !!