Cowboy Church Network of North America, Inc.  – Constitution

PREAMBLE – The Cowboy Church Network of North America, Inc.  formed October 16, 2004, by the union of the Cowboy Churches of North America in order to express more fully the oneness in Christ of the churches composing it, to make more effective their common witness in Him, and to serve His kingdom in the world. The Cowboy Church Network of North America has a free and voluntary relationship with the Local Churches, Associations, Church Networks, Baptist State Conventions, Southern Baptist Convention and other organizations or ministries.

ARTICLE I. NAME – The name of this organization shall be Cowboy Church Network of North America.

ARTICLE II. PURPOSE – The Cowboy Church Network of North America is organized and maintained to fulfill the following Mission Purpose Statement: “The mission of the Cowboy Church Network is to impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus by planting and strengthening cowboy churches!”

ARTICLE III. DOCTRINE – The Cowboy Church Network of North America affirms the Holy Bible, the inspired word of God, as the authority in all matters of faith and practice. We further identify ourselves as a distinctive body of faith by affirming the Baptist Faith and Message of the Southern Baptist Convention.

ARTICLE IV. STRUCTURE – The Cowboy Church Network of North America is composed of partnering cowboy churches across North America.

ARTICLE V. COVENANTAL RELATIONSHIPS – The various expressions of the partnering churches in the Cowboy Church Network of North America relate to each other in a covenantal manner. Each expression of the church has responsibilities and rights in relation to the others, will seek God’s will and be faithful to God’s mission. Decisions are made in consultation and collaboration among the various parts of the structure. As members of the Body of Christ, each expression of the network is called to honor and respect the work and ministry of each other. Each expression of the network listens, hears and carefully considers the advice, counsel, and requests of the others. In this covenant the various expressions of the Cowboy Church Network of North America seek to walk together in all God’s ways.

ARTICLE VI. AMENDMENTS – This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Board of Directors present at a regularly scheduled or special meeting called for that purpose. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Director, Executive Team, President, or by written petition of 60% of the active member churches and presented to the Executive Director. Proposed amendments shall be in written form and presented to the Executive Leadership Team at least two weeks prior to the vote.

Cowboy Church Network of North America – Bylaws

ARTICLE I. PARTNERSHIP – The Cowboy Church Network of North America (CCNNA, hereafter referred to as Network) is a network of cowboy churches who share the mission and purpose of impacting the world with the Gospel of Jesus by planting and strengthening cowboy churches. Partnering churches of the CCNNA use their influence and resources in working together in God’s Kingdom for this purpose.
Partnership in the Network is open to cowboy churches who meets the following qualifications:
A. The church’s primary mission is to use the cowboy culture to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
B. The church and pastor are in fellowship with the Southern Baptist Convention.
C. The church and pastor are committed to sound theology based solely on the Holy Bible.
D. The church and pastor accepts the SBC Baptist Faith and Message as their statement of faith. (This is not a litmus test, as the BF&M is intended to be a guide subservient to the Bible.)
E. The church is committed to contributing a minimum 10% of undesignated receipts to missions, a portion of which is directed to the CCNNA. It is recommended the church financially support the SBC, your Baptist State Convention (this usually includes the SBC), and your local Baptist Association. Each church has sole autonomy to decide where to disperse their mission giving.
F. Submitting a “Partnership Application” (provided by the Network) to the Executive Director and receiving acceptance from the Executive Director on behalf of the Network.
A church’s partnership in the Network may be terminated in one of the following ways:
A. Exclusion – If a partnering church conducts itself in a manner which brings the name of Christ and the church into disrepute, it will be the responsibility of the Executive Director under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to attempt to restore the church in a spirit of love according to the guidelines set forth in Matthew 18:15 -17. If the church fails to respond positively to these attempts, exclusion may be ordered by the Executive Leadership Team or Board of Directors (Top Hands).
D. Erasure – If a partnering church requests severance from the Network, its name will be removed from the partnership roll.
A. Partnering churches, their leadership teams, and members are eligible to participate in the missions, training, and other events held by the Network.
B. By contributing a minimum 2% to the CCNNA, the partnering church’s pastor is recognized as a “Top Hand” of the CCNNA and is a member of our Board of Directors.
The Cowboy Church Network of North America shall be governed by a Board of Directors (referred to as Top Hands) consisting of pastors from each Cowboy Church in good standing with the Network and financially contributing to the support of the Network a minimum of 2% of the respective church’s undesignated tithes and offerings. The Executive Director shall be the Chairman of the Board and the President shall be Vice Chair. The Top Hands shall discharge their duties as equal peers. The collegium of Top Hands in consultation with the Executive Director and Executive Team is responsible for providing leadership for the mission programming of the Cowboy Church Network of North America. The Top Hands shall meet at least annually during the Cowboy Church Roundup, and at other times as requested by the Executive Director or Executive Leadership Team. The members present at any duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum.
A. Purpose and Function – The Executive Leadership Team shall be organized to carry out the specialized ministries of the network. Each Team member may have specific functions and responsibilities as assigned or approved by the Executive Director and/or Executive Leadership Team. The Team shall represent the Top Hands in day to day decisions to facilitate the mission of the Network. The Team shall assist the Executive Director in making decisions and in the decision making process, pray regularly for the Executive Director and be the accountability partners with the Executive Director.
B. Structure – The Executive Leadership Team will be comprised of a number (preferably between 3 and 5) of persons organized to carry out the necessary ministry and functions of the Network. The Executive Director will be the Team Leader and is responsible for ensuring that the team functions properly. The President and Clerk/Secretary shall be ex-officio members of the team. The Team will function by consensus, not majority vote. This means that the team must arrive at decisions that can be supported by each member of the team. If consensus cannot be reached, the matter shall either be tabled or decided by the Executive Director.
C. Qualifications – Team members must be members of the Cowboy Church Network in good standing, love the Lord and have a desire to see his kingdom grow, have credibility with other network members, have a passion for the mission of the team, be determined to make the team a top priority in their lives (this means that they are willing to rearrange their daily schedules or do whatever it takes to participate in team meetings and activities), and desire to use their talents and abilities to accomplish the team’s mission.
D. Selection and Term of Office – Members of the Executive Team may be appointed by the Executive Director or Executive Team subject to approval by the Top Hands. The term of office for Executive Team members will be one year, but members may serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the Executive Director, Executive Team, and team member involved.
F. Removal – If a team member causes conflict, fails to carry out his or her responsibility to the team, or otherwise hampers the work of the team, every effort should be made by the Executive Director and Executive Team to rectify the issue in a positive redemptive manner. However, if the problem persists, a team member may be removed by the Executive Director or by consensus decision of the other team members.
G. Meetings – The Executive Team will meet as often as necessary to effectively plan and coordinate the activities and events of the church. Meetings may be called by the Executive Director or President. The members present at any duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum.
A. Call – Upon a vacancy of the Executive Director, the Executive Leadership Team shall appoint an Interim Executive Director and initiate a search for a new Executive Director. The team will seek out and evaluate prospective candidates until they achieve complete consensus on a single candidate. They will then call a meeting of and report to the Top Hands. On that date, the Top Hands will hear the recommendation of the Executive Leadership Team, have a full and open discussion, then vote by secret ballot. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Top Hands present and voting is required to extend a call. If a call is not extended by the Top Hands to the candidate, or if the candidate declines to accept, then the Executive Leadership Team will begin a new search and come before the Top Hands with a second recommendation. This method will proceed until an Executive Director is secured.
B. Duties – The Executive Director shall be the administrative, missional, and spiritual leader of the Network. In that capacity, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, he shall preach and teach the word of God, lead the Network in carrying out the mission and purpose of the Network, serve as Chair of the Top Hands and Executive Leadership Team, provide leadership to the staff, serve as over all administrator of the Network, and cooperate with the Top Hands and Executive Leadership Team to lead the Network forward in its mission and purpose.
C. Termination – The Executive Director’s duties with the Network may be terminated by resignation, death, or dismissal. Such dismissal will require a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Top Hands present and voting at a special meeting called by the Executive Team for that sole purpose. The moderator for such a meeting will be a neutral party appointed by the Executive Leadership Team.
A. Call – Staff sufficient for fulfilling the Network’s mission may be employed by the Network. Such staff will require consensus approval of the Executive Director and Executive Leadership Team.
B. Duties – Staff positions will have specific and written job descriptions as outlined by the Executive Director and Executive Leadership Team.
C. Termination – The service of staff persons may be terminated by resignation, death, or the Executive Director and Executive Leadership Team.
The Executive Leadership Team shall appoint a President of the Network. The President shall cooperate with and work closely with the Executive Director to promote the mission of the Network. The President’s God-given talents and spiritual gifts shall define their specific roles in how they can most effectively assist the Network in fulfilling the mission and purpose of the Network. The President shall be Vice Chair of the Top Hands. The President shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Leadership Team. The term of office will be one year, beginning at the annual fall Round Up, but may serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the Executive Director and the Executive Leadership Team.
The Executive Leadership Team shall appoint a Vice President of the Network. The Vice President shall cooperate with and work closely with the President and Executive Director to promote the mission of the Network. The Vice President’s God-given talents and spiritual gifts shall define their specific roles in how they can most effectively assist the Network in fulfilling the mission and purpose of the Network. The Vice President shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Leadership Team. The term of office will be one year, beginning at the annual fall Round Up, but may serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the Executive Director and the Executive Leadership Team.
The Executive Leadership Team shall appoint a Treasurer of the Network. The Treasurer shall receive offerings from Partnering churches and other donations, make expenditures consistent with the approval of the Top Hands, Executive Leadership Team, and/or Executive Director. Detailed and accurate accounting of all deposits and expenditures shall be kept and reported to the Executive Director and Executive Leadership Team at least quarterly. An annual report shall be made to the Top Hands. The Treasurer shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Leadership Team. The term of office will be one year, beginning at the annual fall Round Up, but may serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the Executive Director and the Executive Leadership Team.
The Secretary of the Network is responsible to keep the records of all Network meetings of the Top Hands and Executive Leadership Team, insure that a proper file of all partnering Churches is maintained, and prepare an annual report to be given to the Network for the annual meeting (round up of cowboy churches). The Secretary shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Leadership Team. The term of office will be one year, beginning at the annual fall Round Up, but may serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the Executive Director and the Executive Leadership Team.
The members of the Executive Leadership Team shall serve as the Trustees of the Network. Trustees shall sign the title to Network property; all legal documents involving the sale, mortgage, purchase, or rental of property; all notes and loan instruments; and such other legal documents as may require execution on behalf of the Network.

A. Fiscal year – The fiscal year of the Network will be on a calendar year basis beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 of each year.
B. Accounting Procedures – A system of accounting that will adequately provide for the handling of all funds shall be the responsibility of the Executive Leadership Team.
C. Budget – The Executive Leadership Team, in consultation with the Executive Director, shall prepare and submit a budget for Top Hands approval prior to the beginning of each fiscal year.
D. Checks, Drafts, Etc. – All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Network shall be signed by one of two people who have been designated by the Executive Leadership Team for that purpose.
E. Deposits – All funds of the church shall be deposited in a timely manner to the credit of the Network in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as determined by the Executive Leadership Team.
The Trustee’s shall execute and deliver any contract or instrument in the name of the Network which may be authorized by the Top Hands or Executive Leadership Team to be so executed and delivered. In this connection, the Top Hands or Executive Leadership Team as a whole shall be the ultimate authority for all actions taken by the Network and no other person, organization or corporate officer shall have any authority to contract or otherwise bind the Network without express authorization from the Top Hands or Executive Leadership Team.
The Network shall keep and maintain a complete and accurate record of all financial accounts, partnership lists, and business meeting minutes at its principle office. These books and records of the Network may be inspected by any partner, or his agent or attorney, for any purpose at any reasonable time.
No partner, officer, or person connected with the Network, or any other private individual shall receive at any time any of the net earnings of pecuniary profit from the operations of the Network, provided that this shall not prevent the payment to any such person of a reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for the Network in effecting any of its purposes as shall be fixed by the Network; and no such person or persons shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the Network assets upon the dissolution of the Network. All partners of the Network shall be deemed to have expressly consented and agreed that upon such dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Network, whether voluntary or involuntary, the assets of the Network, after all debts have been satisfied, then remaining in the hands of the officers of the Network shall be distributed, transferred, conveyed, delivered, and paid over, in such amounts as the Network may determine or as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction upon application of the Network, exclusively to charitable, religious, or educational organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these by-laws, no partner, officer, or representative of the Network shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the Network not permitted to be taken or carried on by any organization exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by any organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (C)(2) of such code and regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Top Hands present at a regularly scheduled or special meeting called for that purpose. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Director, Executive Team, President, or by written petition of 60% of the active partnering churches and presented to the Executive Director. Proposed amendments shall be in written form and presented to the Executive Leadership Team at least two weeks prior to the vote.